Home Artificial Intelligence Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators: Samsung and IOC’s Digital Olympic Community

Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators: Samsung and IOC’s Digital Olympic Community

Discover how Samsung and the IOC are empowering the next generation through the 'Together for Tomorrow, Enabling People' initiative, merging sports, technology, and creativity to shape a sustainable future.

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Analyzing and Elevating the Content

Samsung Electronics, in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), recently launched an inspiring initiative titled “Together for Tomorrow, Enabling People.” This innovative digital community aims to engage youth worldwide with the spirit of the Olympic Movement, emphasizing technology, creativity, and physical activity. The launch event in Paris marked a significant step forward in empowering young people to address global challenges through sports and technology.

The Power of Youth in Shaping the Future

The core of the “Together for Tomorrow, Enabling People” initiative lies in its ability to inspire and mobilize the younger generation. By leveraging Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow program, participants are encouraged to tackle pressing social issues with innovative solutions. This initiative aligns seamlessly with the IOC’s Olympism365 strategy, aiming to create a sustainable future driven by young innovators.

The Power of Youth in Shaping the Future

The Power of Youth in Shaping the Future

Key Pillars of the Initiative

  1. Solve Challenge: Merging sport and technology, this challenge empowers youth to design solutions addressing global challenges.
  2. Move Challenge: Encouraging global participation, this challenge motivates fans to engage in physical activity, highlighting the importance of health and wellness.
  3. Create Challenge: Fostering creativity, this challenge invites participants to explore their artistic talents using Samsung’s cutting-edge technology.
  4. Key Pillars of the Initiative

    Key Pillars of the Initiative

Global Ambassadors Leading the Way

The initiative’s success is amplified by the involvement of 10 exemplary teams from the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow program, who have been appointed as global ambassadors. These young leaders will showcase their solutions and inspire others by actively engaging with the global community during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Global Ambassadors Leading the Way

Global Ambassadors Leading the Way

The “Together for Tomorrow, Enabling People” initiative stands as a testament to the power of collaboration between technology and sport. By empowering the youth, Samsung and the IOC are paving the way for a future where innovation and Olympic values drive global change.


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